Due to Health Issues, I am no longer accepting in-person clients at my Oregon Office. That office will be closing mid-June 2025.
I am moving to a fully remote model at that time. I am accepting new clients for remote programs only.
Primitive Reflex Assessment and Integration
Remote Program Only
Trained in three different modalities and with 20 years of experience working with hundreds of children, Dr. McKone has a deep understanding of neurodevelopment and its impact on motor coordination, sensory processing, emotional regulation, cognition, and learning. You will only work with me directly and your child's program is customized to their needs, your capacity to implement the program, and our goals.
In a remote program, we work through video calls and the exchange of videos. Here is how the program works.
2 online video meetings per month via Google Meet. These meetings are recorded for you for future reference. During these calls, we can discuss your child's progress and struggles, answer questions about the movements, discuss school challenges, etc. During these meetings, we will also review changes to your child's program.
Your home program is delivered via a Google Doc. Video links for each movement are included there.
Videos of assessments are sent as needed.
You will record any assessments and videos of you and your child doing the movements and upload those to the secure drive for me to view. This provides me the opportunity to review them, provide coaching, and observe how your child is moving and responding.
Your program is geared to be 20-30 minutes about 4 times per week
No special equipment is necessary.
You have access to me via email and What's App Monday-Friday.
The cost is $300/month USD. This is a non-negotiable rate.
Additional services such as ILS music, SSP, and Interactive Metronome are available remotely for an additional fee.
I offer a free 45-minute consultation for parents who are interested in engaging in a home program. Just email me at