Bundled Services
Most children who come to the clinic need a variety of services, and often, these need to be bundled. For example, a child might need to do a quick ten-minute assessment, have their reflex integration appointment, and then have a reading lesson. The standard cost is $160 for a 50-minute appointment for all services, but they are outlined individually below.
Reading Assessments
When I assess a child for reading challenges, I don't just want to know what their current skill levels are but why. This is why I also look at their reflex patterns, auditory processing, and sensory-motor integration as these can have a huge impact on reading development.
Rather than charge my clients a large sum of money upfront for an assessment, I choose to bill by the hour at my standard hourly rate. Most reading assessments can be done within two hours. For a full assessment, I always recommend that we assess their reflex patterns, timing on the Interactive Metronome, and attention.
I use the following assessments in my office:
PAST for phonemic awareness
CTOPP (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing)
DIBELS Letter-Naming Fluency
Sound-Naming Fluency
DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency
TWRE (Test of Word Reading Efficiency)
TOSWRF (Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency)
GSRT (Gray Silent Reading Test) for Comprehension
FOCUS test for attention, sustained attention, and inhibition
Tests such as the TAPS for auditory processing and the RAN for rapid automized naming can also be very helpful in determining what is causing the issues.
Reflex Integration, Sensory Modulation, and Brain Training
New Intake Appt (90-120 min): $225
Regular Appts (50min): $160
Appointment Packages: 10 appointments (reg. $1600); as a package $1450
20 appointments (reg $3200); as a package $2750
Packages must be paid in full up-front and are non-refundable
Packages can be shared among members of the same immediate family
IEP Review or Assistance
Charged in billable hours @$160/hour in 15-minute increments.
This includes case file review, letter and/or report writing