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The Power of Temporal Processing in Speech and Reading

Temporal processing – the brain's ability to perceive and process time intervals accurately – plays a pivotal role in how we speak and read. As professionals striving for excellence in our respective fields, understanding the intricate workings of temporal processing unveils a whole new realm of comprehension and skill development in speech and literacy. When we hear speech, that information comes into our ears, through the cochlea, down to the brainstem to the Reticular Activating System, up to the Thalamus, and finally, to the temporal lobe. Efficient auditory processing ensures these messages travel along these pathways quickly and accurately enough to ensure the brain can adequately "hear" what is being said.

The Impact on Speech

Have you ever marveled at the effortless fluidity of a captivating speech? Behind the scenes, our brains are engaged in intricate temporal processing, precisely timing the articulation of sounds and syllables. This precision is crucial for fluency, rhythm, and overall intelligibility in speech.


  • Speech Development: Children rely heavily on temporal processing to master the nuances of language. It is the foundation upon which clear articulation, speech rhythm, and expressive intonation are built. If the brain cannot accurately hear speech sounds like the differences between "bat" and bath" or "pawn" and "pond", we will not be able to encode them correctly for reading and spelling. Speech development is the foundation for reading and spelling. This affects both receptive and expressive language.

Temporal Processing in Speech

The Crucial Link to Reading

But temporal processing doesn't just stop at speech; its influence extends to the realm of reading. Efficient decoding and comprehension of written language hinge on the brain's ability to process and integrate temporal cues encoded in the text.


  • Phonological Processing and Phonemic Awareness: Temporal processing allows us to hear the difference between speech sounds: words in a sentence, individual syllables in a word, each sound in a word (phonemes). Phonemic awareness is the basis for reading skills.

  • Orthographic Processing: The phonological loop which is activated by the temporal lobe. This loop takes auditory information, like the word "bat" and then sends it to the visual word form area at the back of brain near the occipital lobe. This is like our file cabinet of known words, held in letter sequences. When we hear a word, our brain searches for strings of letters that match the sounds in that word. This all happens in nano seconds.

  • Spelling: Efficient spelling requires excellent phonemic awareness and orthographic processing in order to pull up words from the VWFA into working memory where we can construct sentences and write them down.

  • Comprehension Boost: By sharpening our temporal processing skills, we enhance our reading comprehension abilities. We engage more deeply with the text, deciphering complex passages with greater efficiency.

Harnessing the Power of Temporal Processing

As parents and professionals seeking continuous growth and improvement, honing our temporal processing skills can unlock new levels of proficiency in both speech and reading. Here are some effective strategies to enhance temporal processing:

  • Auditory Training: Engage in activities that sharpen your auditory processing abilities, such as music training or sound discrimination tasks.

  • Neuroacoustic Music: Also known as therapeutic listening programs, neuro-acoustic music uses specially designed music and tones to activate different parts of the brain and change brainwave activity for improved function

  • Multisensory Learning: Embrace multisensory approaches to learning, incorporating visual, auditory, and tactile elements to enhance temporal processing.

  • Speech Therapy Techniques: Explore speech therapy techniques that focus on rhythm, pacing, and articulation to refine temporal processing skills.

  • Primitive Reflex Integration: Our auditory pathways are developed and matured through the primitive and primary reflexes infants go through in the first year of life. Those pathways continue to mature after the reflexes have integrated. If reflexes remain present beyond the prescribed time, it can make for inefficient processing and impact the functioning of the entire auditory processing pathway.

By delving deeper into the realm of temporal processing, we open doors to improved communication skills, heightened reading proficiency, and enhanced cognitive abilities. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together and unleash the full potential of our temporal processing prowess!

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